
The Top 45 Best Beard Foods To Speed Up Facial Hair Growth

The Top 45 Best Beard Foods To Speed Up Facial Hair Growth

How to speed up facial hair growth is a question that many have asked us, a question which we are going to do our best to answer right now. There are of course a number of solutions that you can choose to go with if you have a lack of facial hair growth, none of which are as effective as being nutritionally aware. Things like slow growing, thin, and patchy beards plague even the biggest of men, but the proper diet can actually make a big difference.

​The right amount of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients can really help your beard grow much faster and thicker too. Here we have a list of the top foods which will help you speed up facial hair growth and grow that beard that you have always wanted.

​We have divided this list into sections based on the vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain a strong and healthy beard growth. For the purposes of this article, we will focus mainly on vitamins. However, we will also do a small section on various minerals as well. Enjoy!

The Vitamins

Pretty much every vitamin out there plays some role in maintaining or even encouraging healthy, fast, and thick beard growth. First, we want to talk about all of the different vitamins that stimulate facial hair growth and which foods contain the most of them.

Keep in mind that each of these foods that have been covered are about one specific vitamin, but that does not mean that they aren’t rich in other vitamins as well. Also, we aren’t here to talk about beard supplements which contain vitamins, but that is also something that you can consider. On a side note, one of the best beard growth supplements is VitaBeard, reviewed here.​

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential to healthy beard growth. It is shown to help boost testosterone levels in men. Testosterone is necessary to keep hair follicles in their growth stage for longer, plus it makes your follicles produce more and stronger hairs too. Not having enough Vitamin A can cause a testosterone deficiency, thus slowing facial hair growth.

  • #1 – Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato contains a ton of Vitamin A. Just 100 grams of sweet potato will provide you with close to 400 percent of your daily Vitamin A needs. These are very versatile, and you can eat them boiled and plain, mash them into mashed sweet potatoes, add them to a stew, or roast them too.

  • #2 – Carrots

Carrots are another great source of Vitamin A, and they contain close to 350 percent of your daily Vitamin A needs for every 100 grams. You can eat these raw with dip, put them in a stew, or even put some carrots in a stir-fry too.

  • #3- Dark Leafy Greens

Things like kale, spinach, Swiss Chard, and Bok Choi contain over 270 percent of your daily Vitamin A needs per every 100 grams. These are very handy things because you can use them in a salad, stir-fry, casserole, and many other recipes too.

  • #4 – Butternut Squash

This stuff contains about 180 percent of your daily Vitamin A needs in every 100 grams. Not to mention that they are delicious and can be used to make soups, stews, casseroles, and other baked goods too.

  • #5 – Romaine Lettuce

Romaine is great because you can use it for so many different salads that it never gets boring, plus you can put some in a wrap or on a sandwich too. Lettuce contains over 170 percent of your daily Vitamin A needs in every 100 grams.

  • #6 – Dried Apricots

Dried apricots aren’t very versatile, and besides eating them as is, there is not much you can do with them. But for those who like them, they are a godsend because every 100 grams contains roughly 280 percent of your recommended daily Vitamin A intake.

  • #7 – Cantaloupe

Melons are delicious, and you can eat them plain, make a fruit salad, or even use them in some exotic recipes. Every 100 grams of this melon contains close to 70 percent of your daily Vitamin A needs.

  • #8 – Sweet Red Peppers

These things are also great for your Vitamin A needs because they contain close to 70 percent of your daily needs in every 100 grams. They are quite versatile, and you can mix them into a soup, stir fry, eat them with dip, or roast them in the oven too.

  • #9 – Tuna

It may surprise you to know that every 100 grams of tuna comes with about 50 percent of your daily Vitamin A needs. Many people don’t like fish, but for those that do, you can poach it, fry it in a pan, bake it, and grill it too.

B Vitamins

The B complex of Vitamins is also essential to healthy hair growth. Biotin or Vitamin B7 is needed so your body can convert the fats, carbs, sugars, and proteins you eat into energy. Seeing as your hair follicles require a ton of energy to remain productive this vitamin ends up being crucial.

Biotin is also an anti-inflammatory and thus keeps your skin healthy and the follicles free from damage. Moreover, both Vitamins B6 and B12 are needed for your blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, oxygen, and nutrients which they need to remain productive.

  • #10 – Liver

Many people may not like liver, but it is one of the best sources of Vitamin B12 out there. Just 68 grams of liver contains over 800 percent of your daily Vitamin B12 intake needs.

  • #11 – Tomatoes

Tomatos are great because you can make almost any recipe with them. Stew them, roast them, or just put them in a salad. 1 cup of tomatoes contains roughly 25 percent of your daily Biotin needs.

  • #12 – Almonds

about a quarter of a cup of almonds contains over 50 percent of your daily Vitamin B12 needs, not to mention healthy carbs and fatty acids too. Almonds are convenient because you can make exotic foods with them, put them in a salad, bake with them, or eat them plain too.

  • #13 – Onions

Onions are really fantastic regarding Biotin or Vitamin B7. Just one cup of onions contains over 25 percent of your daily Biotin needs. Plus they are very versatile because there are so many salads and easy to make recipes that include onions.

  • #14 – Bran

Bran is a good thing to put in salads, cereals, and to bake with as well. Just 100 grams of bran contains over 200 percent of your daily Vitamin B6 needs.

  • #15 – Sunflower Seeds

There’s not much that you can do with sunflower seeds except for eating them, but 100 grams of these things contain close to 70 percent of your daily Vitamin B6 needs.

  • #16 – Pistachios

100 grams of pistachios contain close to 60 percent of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin B. These are some great tasting nuts to eat on their own, plus they can be used for baking and cooking too.

  • #17 – Shellfish

Your average shellfish such as muscles or clams can contain up to 400 percent of your daily Vitamin B12 needs for every 100 grams that you consume. Many people may not like seafood, but for those who do, you can make them into a seafood marinara, eat them plain, or make any other kind of seafood dish.

  • #18 – Crab

Crab meat is very rich in Vitamin B12 and just 100 grams of this stuff contains close to 200 percent of the daily recommended intake. You can eat crab straight out of the shell, put it in a chowder, or even make some crab cakes too.

  • #19 – Cheese & Dairy

Dairy, in general, is also very high in its Vitamin B12 content. Swiss cheese, for example, contains over 51 percent of your daily B12 needs for every 100 grams. Let’s face it too, who doesn’t like cheese? Also, egg yolks contain about 33 percent of the daily recommended B12 intake per every 100 grams. Eggs are great because you can boil them, fry them, poach them, and bake with them too.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed by your body to produce something called collagen. Collagen is essential for repairing damaged tissue and for creating new tissue, which of course includes your hair follicles. More Vitamin C means having healthier and more productive beard hair follicles.

  • #20 – Yellow Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are delicious, and you can add them to a salad, a stir fry, roast them, or add them to some rice as well. Yellow bell peppers contain over 300 percent of your daily Vitamin C needs per every 100 grams.

  • #21 – Guavas

These are delicious tropical fruits that you can find in most supermarkets, and they taste delicious on their own or in a smoothie too (for some good beard growing smoothies, click here). 100 grams of guava contains close to 400 percent of your daily Vitamin C needs.

  • #22 – Kiwi

Kiwi is fantastic for making a smoothie with, eating them on their own, or adding to a fruit cocktail. Just 100 grams of kiwi contains over 155 percent of your daily Vitamin C needs.

  • #23 – Broccoli

Lots of people don’t like broccoli, but it’s pretty versatile and contains over 145 percent of your daily Vitamin C needs in every 100 grams. It can be added to a soup, rice, stir fry, or you can eat it plain with some ranch dip as well.

  • #24 – Strawberries

No one can deny that these things are delicious, especially for baking with, eating plain, or putting in a fruit salad too. 100 grams of strawberries contain close to 100 percent of your daily Vitamin C needs.

  • #25 – Oranges/Citrus

Citrus fruits like oranges contain close to 100 percent of your recommended daily Vitamin C intake for every 100 grams, and they’re great for eating plain or turning into juice too.

  • #26 – Peas

Peas are fantastic for putting in a stir fry, a casserole, or eating alongside some pork chops. They also contain roughly 100 percent of your Vitamin C needs in every 100 grams.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential part of healthy hair and beard growth. This is because Vitamin D has the ability to increase the production of testosterone in the male body significantly. This helps to create strong and healthy hair follicles, plus it also makes them stay in their growth stage for much longer than they would on their own.

  • #27 – Cod Liver Oil

Ok, so you may be wondering what cod liver oil is used for, but besides eating it in pills or with a spoon we aren’t really sure. Yet what we do know is that this stuff contains close to 1,700 percent of your daily Vitamin D needs per every 100 grams. That means that you can get your whole dosage of Vitamin D per day with just 1 tablespoon of this stuff.

  • #28 – Portobello Mushrooms

Mushrooms are fantastic because you can make stir fries with them, add them to casseroles, or even add them to soups too. Just 100 grams of these mushrooms contain close to 200 percent of your daily Vitamin D needs.

  • #29 – Caviar

Caviar to many is a delicacy, and it is often placed on top of other foods as a garnish. However, just 100 grams of fish eggs contains over 80 percent of your daily Vitamin D needs.

  • #30 – Rainbow Trout

This fish is very versatile and can be used to make some dishes; fry it, boil it, poach it, grill it, or bake it too. Rainbow trout contains close to 130 percent of your daily Vitamin D needs for every 100 grams.

  • #31 – Tofu

Tofu is a great alternative to meat, and any recipe you cook can easily substitute the meat for some tasty tofu. Tofu contains close to 30 percent of your daily Vitamin D needs per every 100-gram serving.

  • #32 – Whole Grain Cereals

Whole grain cereals can of course only be eaten one way, which is of course as cereal. However, it is very high in its Vitamin D content. Every 100 grams of whole grain cereal has over 55 percent of your recommended daily Vitamin D dosage.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is something that helps your beard grow better by helping to create new hair follicles as well as by healing damaged ones. This vitamin is also considered an antioxidant which helps to protect your skin from cortisone and free radical damage. Vitamin E is also an anti-inflammatory which helps to keep your skin and the follicles underneath as healthy as can be. This Vitamin is pretty hard to get enough of, as evidenced by the nutritional facts below.

  • #33 – Hazelnuts & Almonds

Nuts are always great to snack on the plus to bake with too, not to mention that they contain up to 120 percent of your daily Vitamin E needs as well.

  • #34 – Spinach

One of the best foods for Vitamin E is spinach, plus it is versatile too; put it in a salad, cook with it, or even put some in a sandwich too. It contains about 10 percent of your daily Vitamin E needs per every 100 grams.

  • #35 – Avocado

Avocados are great for making guacamole with, eating plain, or putting in a smoothie too. Just 100 grams of avocado contains over 12 percent of your daily Vitamin E needs.

  • #36 – Shrimp

Shrimp contain over 12 percent of your daily recommended dosage of Vitamin E for every 100 grams. They are also very versatile and can be eaten as part of a shrimp cocktail, mixed with pasta, or even grilled on the BBQ too.

  • #37 – Trout

Just 100 grams of trout contains over 13 percent of your daily Vitamin E needs. Many people may not like fish, but it can be grilled, baked poached, or added in with some soup or pasta too.

  • #38 – Olive Oil

Olive oil is great for cooking with, seasoning, and making salads as well. Just 100 grams of olive oil and other plant oils contain over 70 percent of your daily Vitamin E intake needs.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is yet another vitamin that is essential for healthy hair and beard growth. It helps to boost your levels of DHT and testosterone, DHT being a special form of testosterone. Both of these things are vital for the healthy growth of facial hair.

  • #39 – Basil

Dried basil is fantastic because it contains close to 2,200 percent of your daily Vitamin K needs in every 100-gram serving. This stuff is wonderful for adding to pasta, casseroles, and salads too.

  • #40 – Scallions

Scallions are great for adding to salads and for cooking with too, not to mention that they make for a tasty and colorful garnish as well. These things contain close to 260 percent of your daily Vitamin K needs per every 100 grams.

  • #41 – Collard Greens

Collards are a wonderful source of Vitamin K, containing close to 900 percent of your recommended daily intake per every 100 grams. These things are great to eat when boiled, in a casserole, or as a side to some tasty meat.

  • #42 – Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and there certainly isn’t too much that you can do with them except for eating them as is. However, they have over 175 percent of your daily Vitamin K needs in every 100 grams.

  • #43 – Chili Powder

This may surprise some because chili powder is considered a spice, but it is made out of chili’s, which are of course vegetable. 100 grams of chili powder contains over 130 percent of your recommended daily Vitamin K dosage.

  • #44 – Asparagus

Asparagus contain over 63 percent of your daily Vitamin K needs per every 100 grams. While they might make your pee smell pretty foul, they are extremely healthy and can be eaten in a variety of ways too.

  • #45 – Pickles

Lots of people don’t like pickles, even though from experience they do taste great on a sandwich or burger. Pickles contain close to 100 percent of your daily Vitamin K needs per every 100-gram serving.

A Little Extra – The Minerals

We aren’t going to be quite as comprehensive as we were with the Vitamins up top, but you should still get a good idea of what minerals your body needs to efficiently produce hair, plus of course where to find those minerals too.

  • Calcium

Calcium is important in 2 ways for hair growth. First of all, calcium helps to produce testosterone which stimulates hair growth, plus it is also required for healthy cell respiration. You can find calcium in foods such as leafy greens, mozzarella, low-fat milk and yogurt, tofu, eggs, almonds, and broccoli.

  • Iodine

Iodine is a necessary component in your body, and it helps your thyroid gland to be stimulated into producing more testosterone, DHT, and to produce more energy too. Foods high in iodine include fish, baked turkey breast, navy beans, eggs, milk, and sweet potatoes.

  • Potassium

Potassium is an important aspect of healthy hair growth. The long story short is that it helps the body produce increased amounts of DHT, a type of testosterone that spurs on hair growth in men. Foods high in potassium include white beans, leafy greens, baked potatoes, yogurt, dried apricots, salmon, mushrooms, and avocados.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium is another mineral that helps to produce both testosterone and DHT, which of course assists in healthy hair growth and maintenance. Also, magnesium helps the body to utilize DHT properly. Foods high in magnesium include dark leafy greens, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, whole grains, bananas, dried fruits, and avocados.

  • Phosphorus

Phosphorus is necessary to keep your follicles healthy, strong, and productive. Moreover, facial hair is driven by hormonal influences and phosphorus is shown to increase hormonal hair growth. Foods high in phosphorus include nuts and seed, cheese, salmon, shellfish, pork, beef, veal, and tofu.

Top Best 45 Best beard Foods To Speed Up Facial Hair Growth: Conclusion

As you can see, the list of foods that can help stimulate facial hair growth is quite long, and I’m sure we could find even more, but those are definitely the most important ones. If you have trouble growing a long, thick, and full beard, plus if it takes forever for your hair to grow, you might really want to try eating some or all of the foods mentioned above as much as possible. If you have any questions or comments, we would be more than happy to hear them!

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About the author

Mark Beardman

Mark Beardman

MajorBeard - is a resource for those who want to know top-notch things about beard growing & care.

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